Huge Congratulations to co-owner Theresa Shepherd on finishing Stylz Grand Championship at Kent All Breed Ch Show.
Styl is a Champion
Huge congratulations to Co-Owner Thersea Shepherd on finishing Stylz as a Junior puppy at Elora Show . Stylz obtained his championship in just two weekends including a Breed win over specials.
Stylz is now CH Chetcote The Musketter
Rudy Ms is a Grand Champion
We are thrilled to announce that our young brindle boy became a Grand Champion at the Dachshund Speciality in Lindsay last weekend . He is now GCH CHETCOTE TIGER TIGER
Molly is a Champion
We are delighted to announce that Molly - Chetcote Eloquence became a Champion at The Dachshund Speciality at Trillium last weekend . Huge congratulations to her young owner-handler Mia Gandera .
Sienna is no.1 Canada's ML puppy
Sienna continues to win in the ring picking up three more Best Puppy In Groups this weekend at Belleville.
Best Puppy In Show!!!
Our beautiful Sienna Ch Chetcote Dragon Fire thrilled is by winning Best Puppy In Show at Stormont last weekend !
Elle and Carmen continue to get group placements !
Elle picked up a Group 3 at Sarnia and Group 4 at Kars .
Daughter Carmen picks up another Five Best Baby Puppy groups !
Sienna is a Champion at 7 mths .
Sienna Chetcote Dragon Fire thrilled us when she finished her Championship at London taking Breed over specials from Junior Puppy .
Elle is No 1 Mini Smooth in Canada
We are over the moon that our stunning girl Elle remains the no.1 Mini Smooth Dachshund in Canada . Over the last month Elle has picked up over eleven group placements !